Supporting Tanglewood Middle School

Passive Fundraising Logos

Your financial support makes a huge impact on the quality of education offered in our public schools. Please consider a donation to the PTO to support our remarkable kids. Your donation will be a part of a campaign that gives money for academics, arts, and sports. 100% support is needed and every dollar counts! Please consider supporting our school with a donation today.

How? It is very simple. You can download the donation form found under the “Fundraising” tab on this website and mail it or drop it by the front office.

You can also fund raise for our school when you are out shopping! Simply designate Tanglewood Middle School as a recipient in rewards programs for Randall’s, Kroger, Target, Lands End and Amazon Smile and our school will receive a percentage of their sales. Also, be sure to clip and save those Box Tops each month! By doing these simple things, you are earning valuable funds for our school.

Thank you for all of your help in raising money for Tanglewood Middle School! You are making an impact on our school and our community!


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